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Make a Payment
Our beWell customer accounts have been transitioned to a new online portal. The first time you visit the new portal, you'll be prompted to register your account before you make a payment or review your account information. Please reach out if you have any questions.


Pay Online

Make payments online using your Visa, MasterCard or Discover card. You can also pay by electronic check.
To access our online payment system, Click Here

Auto Withdrawal

Don't want to forget your payments? Set up auto withdrawal now. Click here and create a registered user account to have payments automatically withdrawn from your bank account or credit card.

Pay by Mail/Overnight

Please make checks payable to FTL Finance.

Pay By Mail

FTL Finance
8472 Solutions Center
Chicago, IL 60677-8004

Overnight Payments

beWell by FTL Finance
778472350E Devon Ave
Itaska, IL 60143

Automated Phone Payment

You will need your account number and your billing zip code. Your billing zipcode is your passcode. If you have any questions, call 855.896.4333 and select the prompt for customer service.

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